A near-capacity audience in The Wing heard author Stuart Outred explain how he investigated the circumstances around the capture and execution of Violette Szabo during the second world war.
Stuart, a former detective who also has a military background, spent three years looking closely at the circumstances around the capture and shooting of Violette, who served with F Section Special Operations Executive (SOE) and was captured in February 1945 and later executed at Ravensbrück concentration camp.
His theory on how she died, which is at odds with past portrayals, is explained further in his book, Salesman 2, which was on sale at the event, the latest in the Battle of Britain Memorial Trust's Sunday talks series.
The next presentation at The Wing will be a talk by John Harris on the work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission on Sunday 20 November, while the season finale will be a presentation and book signing by TV personality Jan Leeming on The Mouchotte Diaries on Sunday 27 November.
